Two highlights of the past week were meeting with a solicitor to work on my will – something that has been on my list of things to do for eight years now. Second was dinner with Eddis and Patricia, two of my favourite people in Belfast.

On Friday I had a list of 10 things to do and knocked off eight, on Saturday it was 18 to do items, 11 accomplished. I found out recently that my phone contract is in David's name. I have to get a new phone and new phone number. I've been to the O2 store three times (maybe three hours invested so far), still no phone, still no contract. Sigh. I've bought two wifi doorbells to replace my non-working old fashioned doorbell. I got my bike and bike stand out and began training for a cycling trip in March. Filled out a form in response to being called for jury duty. Just on and on.

But I've gotten out of the rut a few times. Wednesday I went to a Meet Up event, Mid-week Mingle, at a pub in Belfast. Sometimes you just want to go to a pub and have a drink with friendly people without having to send a half dozen texts to see who's around and organise people. It was nice to see Viv again, who organises the Mid-week Mingle. Viv also organises Slow Art Sunday, which I also attended. A group of us sit in front of a painting at the Ulster Museum while a docent explains in detail the context of the painting. We had a Dutch painting from the mid 1600s and an Irish painting from the mid 1800s. You always meet interesting people at these events and they are an important antidote to spending too much time at my house in front of a computer.

27 Jan - 3 Feb