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I've been in Northern Ireland on and off since the end of March. Main stressors during that time were making a decision on a house after looking at dozens of houses, and experiencing the loneliness that comes with starting over in a new place. The one friend I've made is dealing with her husband's struggle with esophageal cancer. I offer help occasionally but there isn't much I can do (or that she will let me do).

Since returning from the U.S. in mid-September, I've been ramping up on multiple fronts and it's a bit of a shock to the old system. The freelance work I'm doing will kick into high gear about five business days after quarter end. In the meantime, I'm trying to learn my way around a server with multiple paths and multiple spreadsheets within each path. I'm writing three different types of documents that require me learning how to navigate the server to find my way to hundreds of nuggets of information within dozens of spreadsheets.

Registering for Queen's has been a daily headache. I am now properly registered for all the credits I need. The process was so confusing that I didn't really get to assess all the choices among the optional classes. This morning I read 22 class descriptions to see if I want to stick with the two I chose among the mini modules (one-day courses). Today, I'm going to two classes to see if I like them better than the class I took yesterday. These are semester-long electives. I'll wait until December to decide whether I picked the right electives for next semester.

I don't yet have my head around the reading assignments, what is available online vs. what I need to get at the library and what I need to buy. Hopefully I'll be on top of my Queen's schedule by the time freelance work takes over.